Born in Lucca on the 10th January 1950,Gustavo Petti known as Didy begins his career as a writer with the Novel "Frammenti"
His next publication will be his first poetry book "Tempo d'autunno"
He lives in Cagliari where he works as a dentist, specialized in Periodontal Surgery.
I welcome you in my little corner of fiction and poetry.
I don't expect to be considered a real Writer or Poet...and I ask pardon to the well-known Writer and Poets...but… I really believe in my first Novel "Frammenti" with which I enter the wonderful, charming and difficult world of literature. I also believe in my first poetry book "Tempo d'autunno" which will be soon publicated, because , the true Didy with his soul, his agonies, passions and joys dominates its verses.
What I described in my Novel and poems is a dialog among souls… "an inner psychological monologue", in Valeria Borgia's words.
All my pain and passion are in the novel and poems...
Contact me
Where you can find my book
Link to my Periodontology site, to Publishing House and others

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